Saturday, October 27, 2018

I think we have finally recovered from our incredibly wet summer. The gardens dried out and wound up looking pretty good at the end of the season. It seemed strange to be doing work in October that should have been done in August or September.

Some plants thrived and others struggled. The hyacinth bean vines outside the shop were luxuriant from all the moisture.

After producing just a huge mound of foliage throughout most of the summer, nasturtiums burst into bloom late in the season.

Some lavenders look fine, but others have struggled. Hopefully, the winter weather will not be too drastic and will give them a chance to recover.

Now, I'm turning my attention inside and preparing the shop for the holidays and working on the fall newsletter, which will be out in the first part of November.

No plants at the present, but we will have a few varieties of potted culinary herbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas , along with live topiaries.

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